Monday, September 23, 2013

My weekend...on Monday!

I'm hoping to implement a new series of posts on the blog..."My weekend...on Monday!".  I'm hoping this series will encourage me to pick up my camera for personal reasons, so I don't miss out on capturing my life!

This weekend my uncle and aunt had an out of town wedding and I was the chosen babysitter!  No worries...I channeled my 15 year old self!  This is also good practice for one day when Mr. Handsome and I decide to have children.....let's just hope we don't have twins.  Because twins are EXHAUSTING...But also super cute!

 (I fixed her helmet after the photo op! Safety first yo, safety first)

These little cuties have an older sister too!  She was cheer leading most of the day that I was there, so she only appears once :(  I'll need to visit soon and make up for that!!

We spent so much time outside, all day actually!  There was a sprinkler (yes in September), bikes, scooters, chalk, bubbles, wresting in the grass, about 9 nutella sandwiches, a gallon of milk and a container of grapes!

 GAH!  Those highlights are amazing!!!

 I had such a great time with these three little ladies.  We ended our night with a slumber party in the basement, it was so cute to see the three of them sprawled out on their sleeping bags, pillow piles and stuffed animals cuddled under their arms.  I was a nanny, one day a week, for the twins when they were babies, so we've always had a sweet bond.  Now that they are older it's so sweet to hear that I'm the "BEST BABYSITTER IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!"

There you have it internet....not only am I funny, a talented photographer but the best babysitter in the whole entire world.

Happy Monday <3

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